All I Want for Christmas

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The holidays are upon us, and this year I just haven't been feeling very festive. Thanksgiving was great - Mom and Dad G. came out and we all had a big dinner at our place then went to Reno to scope out housing. With any luck they'll be moving there in the next year or so. It was fun and relaxing and all the good things Thanksgiving should be. But now it's time for Christmas and I've really dropped the ball.

We're not going to see my parents this year, as we should, because the tickets were outrageous and my company did not have a shutdown. This means that I'm stuck here answering the phones because someone has to be in from each department. So we would have had to fly there on the 24th and back on the 26th and it would have cost us around $900. As such we're going to visit my parents a few weeks later and save on costs. We'll drive down to my sister's place instead and visit with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and my grandparents (who are coming out from Kansas this year). Sadly, Mom and Dad can't make it there with us. So, I will be spending the holidays with my family, and I am greatful for that, but part of me is very sad that it won't be with my parents too.

It was all of this coming about that started my Christmas funk. I then started thinking about gift giving and realized that I spend so much time buying gifts for my friends and family (who can afford them) and yet I feel like I don't give nearly enough to those around me who can't. So I went out and did a little charitable dontating (including this organization, which I was turned on to by the USC Bay Area Alumni club). This helped, but I still feel like it's not enough. So, to any of my friends and family that read this and are thinking of giving me a gift this holiday season, please don't. I'd rather you donate that money instead. There are others that need it a lot more than me.

Happy holidays everyone!



This looks scrumptious! I cannot wait to make this recipe.

Stella Kureyon said:

I like The Heifer Project for that very reason. I totally relate to what you are saying - the materialism frenzy just seems out of control this year. Anyway, just wanted to say I think you are doing a good thing. :o)


Christina said:

What a wonderful thing you're doing. We're so lucky and fortunate and sometimes it's easy to forget that. I hope donating helps get you out of your funk. And I hope to see you tomorrow at the Meetup.

~ Christina

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