Sick and Cranky

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I've been missing from blogland for a while now. It's because I'm sick. I've been hit with a nasty cold that won't go away, though perhaps that's because I have no time to sleep. Work is a giant nightmare. Ziggy is crawling and cruising and taking up every free minute I've got at home. The house is a wreck. So all of this is making me one cranky camper.

Add to that mess the fact that I got the brilliant idea to make my costume and Ziggy's, at the last minute of course, and it means I won't be sleeping tonight. Oh, and Thursday I'm off on a business trip and won't be back until Friday at midnight. The one bright spot to all of that is that at least I'll get to sleep Thursday night as the costumes will be done and the baby will be home with his daddy.

The knitting career is doing great and eating up my lunch time, but that at least is a bright spot. I've got a great pattern coming out, but I can't tell you more than that just yet. Well, there's also a chance that I'll be teaching a class on that pattern at a new LYS in the area, but again, these are just things in the works and I can't give more details until they're firmed up.

I got some great cashmere from my scarf swap pal and am looking forward to working on that during my flights and car travel later this week. I'm taking a stab at Fair Isle in the round for a stockinette scarf that doesn't have a backside (as it's really just a flattened tube). I'll post pics after the trip when you can actually see the pattern (right now it's only about 7 rows tall and you can't see much).

Sorry about the whining. Sometimes you just need to vent. If I can just make it through Halloween and this business trip and this cold all should be well.



holly said:

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. It's tough running after a little one when you're well. I hope you survived Halloween, and I hope you'll post pictures of what I'm sure were awesome costumes!

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This page contains a single entry by published on October 30, 2007 1:02 PM.

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